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49th Kids Posts

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Text to Text

by Julie Booker

As part of the Language curriculum, primary readers are asked to make connections between books, identifying similarities. The following titles are paired …

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books About Math

by Julie Booker

Great books that complement the Primary Math curriculum and make for entertaining reads at the same time. 

10 Books for Young People to Read with PRIDE

by Kerry Clare

A selection of recent books by LGBTQ authors and/or featuring LGBTQ characters or themes—and also featuring hamsters, promposals, Walt Whitman, and …

6 books

8 Mysteries for Drama-loving Kids

list by Kiley Turner

Misfits, Marvelous Worlds and Magical Creatures in YA Fantasy

by Katherine Magyarody

Adventures don’t just happen to princesses and Chosen Ones…they also happen to lone wanderers and misfits.

How an Email to an Astrophysicist Changed My (Book’s) Life

by Ria Voros

YA Author Ria Voros explains how two literary worlds collided—and tells the amazing story of what happened next. 

Farley Mowat, Comics, SciFi and Manitoba

by Michael Hutchinson

A recommended reading list by Michael Hutchinson, whose Mighty Muskrats middle grade series launches with The Case of Windy Lake. 

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Earth Hour Books

Great titles to read by flashlight. 

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Books on Health and Wellness

Books that focus on self-awareness—understanding personal strengths, recognizing sources of stress, making decisions, and evaluating choices

13 books

To the Moon!

list by Kerry Clare

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